Study Abroad & Credit Programs
GEC partners with universities on four continents to offer many college credit programs, including year, semester, and summer term courses to GEC students. Our students are demonstrated to become more dynamic, creative, inventive, and adaptable when exposed to different viewpoints from various cultures. These are the characteristics that upcoming companies are looking for in a globalized society.
Department for Continuing Education, Oxford University - Teacher training and academic English
Girton College, University of Cambridge - Short-term onsite classes on Computer Science, Economics, Business, etc.
Kellogg College, University of Oxford - Short-term onsite classes on Machine Learning, Economics, Engineering, etc.
The Centre for Continuing Professional Development, Imperial College London - Masterclasses for academic writing on STEAM subjects
The Center on Chinese Education, Teachers College Columbia University - Teacher training, education research, and international competence
University of Southern California - Pre-college exploration courses & Master's preparation program