Exciting Job Opportunities to Work in China!
- SJTU Excellent Young Scholars Program (Overseas) for 2023
Develop. Grow. Succeed.
The School of Mechanical Engineering of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) is a world-class engineering school committed to high-level education and cutting-edge research. As one of the top Schools of Mechanical Engineering in China, it strives to increase its international competitiveness and global presence through quality teaching, advanced research and close collaboration with leading universities in the world.
With an aim to build a decentralized and borderless academic platform to foster innovative, interdisciplinary endeavors and boost cross-disciplinary collaboration among young researchers, GEC Academy and Shanghai Jiao Tong University jointly established SJTU – GEC Center of Innovative Design for Interdisciplinary Studies in 2021. In the past year, the center worked with SJTU School of Mechanical Engineering, successfully co-hosting two Liyuan-GEC Interdisciplinary Science & Future Technologies Overseas Forum on power engineering, nuclear science, and the exploration and coexistence of human life and machine life, as well as a Master Distinguished Lecture on the reconstruction of cryo-electron microscopy. These activities have scholars from world-leading institutions, who have also been working with GEC for several years, and a Nobel Laureate, Dr. Joachim Frank, to deliver lectures in related fields.
Program Goal
The Excellent Young Scholars Program aims to attract and encourage overseas outstanding young scholars (including non-Chinese residents) who have made good research outputs in Mechanical Engineering, Energy and Power Engineering, Nuclear Science and Technology, Biomedical Engineering, Materials Engineering and related interdisciplinary subjects to work in China.
Research Fund: RMB 4-8 million start-up fund
Other Support
Highly Competitive living allowance + subsidies
Research grant, laboratory and office space
Research assistants and financial support for admitting graduate students
Collaborations with world-leading research center
SJTU Mechanical Engineering will set up Foresight Science Research Center for the young scholars who have been working on foresight science and interdisciplinary studies, and provide them with necessary support.
Applicants should meet the following conditions:
Abide by the laws of the People’s Republic of China and have good ethics in science
Were born on or after 1st January, 1983
Research interests focus on Mechanical Engineering, Energy and Power Engineering, Nuclear Science and Technology, Biomedical Engineering, Materials Engineering and related interdisciplinary subjects, etc.
Prior to 15th April 2023, have no less than three years’ continuous research or teaching experience outside China in prestigious universities or R&D institutes; (Exceptions will be given to applicants who have obtained the doctorate degree overseas with extraordinary research achievement);
Provide evidence of research excellence which can be demonstrated by a record of contributions and endorsements by scholars of high filed standing
Are living outside or move to China after 1st January 2022, and willing to work full time for three years in China with no full-time employment overseas
For more details, please refer to the information on the official SJTU website here.
How to Apply
CV and other supportive documents of those interested can be sent to Mr. Guoqing Zhang, Vice-Director of SJTU-GEC Joint Research Center, at guoqing.zhang@gecacademy.cn with the subject “Application Intention for Overseas Outstanding Youth Project” before 1st March 2023. All qualified applicants are welcome.